Fibre Fest
Welcome to Fibre Fest 2024. This is our 15th anniversary, and we are still going strong!
During 2023 many of our members were busy stitching a panel for the 'Spirit of the Highlands and Islands' tapestry; a collaborative project with other stitchers throughout the Highlands and Islands. We are very pleased therefore to be offering an Embroidery masterclass with one of the project leaders, Kirstie Campbell, and a children's embroidery class to encourage the next generation of embroiderers.
We are also delighted to welcome back Jan Beadle, who will be teaching two weaving masterclasses, and ther will be a range of classes for beginners, intermediates and masterclasses taught by other inspiring tutors.
The sales halls at Dornoch Fibre Fest has free entry and we try to keep our class costs as reasonable as possible, therefore we will be holding a raffle which will be drawn on Sunday afternoon in the Social Club. The first prize will be a voucher from Hobby Craft with many other desirable prizes.
The 2024 Competition – A recycled fabric festival hat. Use your imagination to create something exotically wearable from fibre, we look forward to seeing the results! Entries must be handed into the West Church Hall by 12 noon on Saturday 9th March
We wish everyone attending Fibre Fest a wonderful weekend of fibre filled fun when we look forward to meeting old friends and making new ones.
On Friday evening Dr Andrew Crummy MBE, designer of the panels for the Great Tapestry of Scotland and The Spirit of the Highlands and Island tapestry project, will give a talk in the Free Church Hall.